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Welcome to Jen Zaya Tantric Temple School

Immerse yourself in the transformative power of Kundalini Kriya yoga, the graceful artistry of temple rituals, and the sacred dance of the soul. Our offerings include profound sadhana practices, deeply moving ceremonies, and divine love lessons tailored for individuals or couples.

Discover the secrets of sacred supernatural manifestation and embrace a journey that awakens the heart, mind, and spirit.

At Jen Zaya Tantric Temple School, we guide you through the realms of divine connection and transcendental love, fostering a community where your inner mystic can thrive.

Jen Zaya Tantric
Temple School

embraces every facet of this ancient journey to enlightenment, including:

  • Kundalini~ Kriya yoga
  • Temple arts and ritual dance
  • Sadhana and ceremony
  • Divine love lessons for individuals and couples
  • Sacred supernatural mystic manifestation techniques
  • and MORE!
Upcoming Trainings

Jen Zaya offers a variety of immersive trainings and transformative events designed to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Engage in profound workshops and retreats that delve into Kundalini Kriya yoga, sacred dance, temple arts, and divine love practices. Our events are crafted to deepen your connection to the divine, enhance your personal growth, and cultivate a community of like-minded seekers. Explore our offerings and join us in the sacred exploration of tantric mysteries.

Join Jenevieve for a Session

One on One, Private Group Workshops, and Events

Experience the RASA (sweet mystic flavor) of tantric Initiation and the exploration of a spiritual path that will literally radically transform your life and result in permanent expanded awareness. All realms of creation and manifestation become possible with devotion.

Learn how to apply these ancient teachings in a simple and profound way that you can do every day.

Each session is tailored to enhance your unique constitution fostering a profound connection to the divine and promoting holistic well-being.

From absolute beginner to an advanced practitioner, Jen creates a session just for you.

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Join our upcoming Training in Sedona, AZ this November!

Embark on a journey of self-discovery
with Jen Zaya

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